don't know what you talking about . i subscribe to all his theories .
so i was running through my DIK save earlier to find something and found something else by accident on the piano note (hehe note , get it ? okok not that funny)
its not exlusive to DIK route ( though maybe ) however you need Josy & Maya friendzoned (out of the picture)
and Sage has to be your fuck buddy ( or more RP then M&J . so MC chooses to run out with her on the prep party )
MC comes to get Sage and ...
Right ... Jills piano . and we know Sage's parents are in inner circle with Jills parents ( yes i get Royces are bigger deal)
But all things considered its not very important .
This is where MC tells her what Derek is about to do .
and then next scene is Derek setting up the fire alarm and then we see MC run off
now for the cool part . in DIK playthrough he doesnt go to M&J room and we dont see him change .
this leaves Sage plenty of time to cover up the piano . (MC changed clothes we just didnt see it)
We know very next scene Tybalt runs out and starts shit with MC so he didnt really have the time .
And thats all .this is my theory
Sage saves Jills piano.
We already know Tybalt lies about most everything so , this is just one more thing .
Of course just because Sage had the time and Tybalt didnt doesnt mean it is the case .
But the odds are good .And she talks to Bella now . Sage may causally mention it talking
about MC (or just things) with Bella which will out Tybalt as a liar .
Of course Bella knows Tybalt's full of

but this is evidence/witness that she can hand to Jill.
Ok i know this theory isnt as exciting as MC being Royce or Lynette = Lana or Neil = time traveling Derek but
i think it can be decent plot device . sorry if i wasted 3min of your life - you can't have it back.