Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro
Available on Manga Store
May 6, 2021 2:34 AM
As the title says. There seems to be some hate and controversy directed towards Nagatoro-san, and I've been wondering if the genders of the main characters were switched would the community react differently? Would the warriors of Twitter be on a crusade against Japan or would they worship the ground Nagatoro-kun walks on? What do you think? Bonus question: If the genders were switched would you be more or less interested in watching the anime? |
May 6, 2021 2:47 AM
It will generate more controversy because twitter users will say that the girl is weak and abused by a dominant boy |
May 6, 2021 3:06 AM
May 6, 2021 3:06 AM
D1enK0pf said: Exactly, Humans are fuckin retardetIt will generate more controversy because twitter users will say that the girl is weak and abused by a dominant boy |
May 6, 2021 3:24 AM
Bro You Just have started the war here 😂😂😂.Personally I don't care if the gender is changed. If the show is good Then people(weeb) are going to love it anyway. As a manga Reader,I know that this show is'nt about Girl bullying an Introvert guy .Its Just an WholeSome Anime between Two people & Trust me its going to be more wholesome/fun in upcoming episode |
May 6, 2021 3:35 AM
D1enK0pf said: It will generate more controversy because twitter users will say that the girl is weak and abused by a dominant boy Do you have any record on it? since I don't think we have had an anime that caused such kind controversy. I think that the anime would probably have a rating of 6,5 to 7 and the director would flee to the woods after receiving all the life threats from Twitter. |
May 6, 2021 3:43 AM
Piromysl said: just wait for the new anime made by the same person that made teasing master takagi san comes out it’s the opposite way around :)"My Senpai Is Annoying" will be airing this fall. Just wait and see. |
May 6, 2021 4:04 AM
Just Like What The Legend Said, I Prioritizing Gender Equality. |
May 6, 2021 4:20 AM
Oh nononono, people will say the author potrayed the girl as weak and is getting dominated by a dude, the author would get cancelled bruh |
May 6, 2021 4:21 AM
It would just be a shoujo if the genders were switched so it might not be as popular. |
May 6, 2021 4:41 AM
Yeah it would. Especially with scenes where Nagatoro put the bun in her bra and asked him to squeeze, if a guy put it in his pants and asked the girl to squeeze it would be hella creepy if the girl was also emotionally weak like that senpai |
LicxttMay 6, 2021 4:45 AM
May 6, 2021 6:26 AM
It'd be set on fire amongst Twitter. I could see them saying that it promotes the abuse of women and with the sexual jokes and situations added...they wouldn't take to it too kindly. If they decided to maje the guy tan as well, I think the hate would honestly be at a new level. |
Don't stay in the bubble, the mind demands to learn |
May 6, 2021 6:26 AM
Mirai said: As the title says. There seems to be some hate and controversy directed towards Nagatoro-san, and I've been wondering if the genders of the main characters were switched would the community react differently? Would the warriors of Twitter be on a crusade against Japan or would they worship the ground Nagatoro-kun walks on? What do you think? Bonus question: If the genders were switched would you be more or less interested in watching the anime? More because of double standards. If the guy was "teasing" the girl it would be seen as sexual harassment. And the physical attacks would be seen as abusive. |
May 6, 2021 6:30 AM
Just Like What The Legend Said, I Prioritizing Gender Equality.[/quote] Kazuma 😂------------------- |
May 6, 2021 7:11 AM
Society is usually just "ah girl being annoying because she can't be upfront about her feelings, that's cute" meanwhile boys who do the same are almost never able to recover, because the whole school knows him as "the creepy stalker dude" or worse case gets expelled/police involvement. |
May 6, 2021 8:16 AM
Arcay said: i mean nagatoro is a weird show , i think it will be normal if it generate controversy, with both gender order, but yea ofc it might be more problematic if a girl get harassed by a boy because its something thay happent vers often and thats a harsh topic and it might be even more cringe than the original showD1enK0pf said: Exactly, Humans are fuckin retardetIt will generate more controversy because twitter users will say that the girl is weak and abused by a dominant boy |
May 6, 2021 8:37 AM
Chihiro444 said: First, I wanna say that it's not really a weird show. She's just toying around with him a little bit. Where I come from, the stuff she says, is something we say to a very good friend. Except all the sexual things she says, that's actually a lil bit weird. And second, I think it's way mor usual that boys get harrassed by girls Like, way more common.Of course it's kinda normal that people trashtalk other people behind their backs. That's because humans are dumb. But I've never seen or wittnessed a boy getting harrassed by a girl. Usually it's either girls getting harrassed by other girls, or boy getting harrassed by girls or by everyone.Arcay said: i mean nagatoro is a weird show , i think it will be normal if it generate controversy, with both gender order, but yea ofc it might be more problematic if a girl get harassed by a boy because its something thay happent vers often and thats a harsh topic and it might be even more cringe than the original showD1enK0pf said: It will generate more controversy because twitter users will say that the girl is weak and abused by a dominant boy Dunno how's in your country tho. But everything is bad of course. Noone should be harrassed. But what Nagatoro does feels super duper like normal talk between friends where you set certain lines you can't cross, like exactly what Nagatoro did that one time where her friends just insulted the shit outta him.And meant it. Ah, and sry for my long talk right here. |
May 6, 2021 8:56 AM
May 6, 2021 11:51 AM
it would definitely be controversial. I think the series isn’t bad but if you were to switch the genders and have me watch i wouldn’t have the same opinion. I believe nagatoro is also a lot meaner in her teasing than the other two. If she was a male it would straight up be sexual and regular harassment. |
May 6, 2021 12:20 PM
Twitter-drones don't even watch anime, the gender doesn't matter as long as they have something to tweet about. |
Tired, always tired! |
May 6, 2021 7:15 PM
thank god konosuba was released in 2016. I know it's irrelevant but I had to say it. |
May 6, 2021 11:55 PM
If the genders are switched the show is gonna get cancelled in a few days. Imagine how media will react to a guy sexually harassing a girl. Spoiler from the show: Imagine the nipple guessing scene but he did that to her. This show would have gotten an ass whooping if the genders were reversed there. |
Na, Hashiru No Suki Ka? |
May 7, 2021 1:30 AM
Oh yeah, for sure. There's no doubt that things would get much more controversial if Nagatoro were a guy. Imagine Nagatoro doing the same exact things to Naoto, but with the genders switched. People would be way more pissed at a guy making fun of a girl than the other way around. It is what it is, unfortunately. |
May 7, 2021 2:33 AM
Easily more controversial, people would just consider it sexual harassment if a man did what nagatoro did. |
May 7, 2021 2:48 AM
WeebFrancois said: I cant say I wouldnt also lose interest if the genders got switched, but idk Im not into bullying or that shit I just like seeing paiSen grow and the absolutely fucking ADORABLE romance blossomThe only thing I can Say is that the manga would be less entertaining with a gender Switch. Imo most of the fans are enjoying the manga beacause they want to be bullied by nagatoro. It's a manga about a masochism, if nagatoro wasn't a female, I would lose all interest in this. |
May 7, 2021 5:22 AM
The story wouldn't be made if it the genders were reversed. |
May 7, 2021 7:06 AM
Justbusiness said: D1enK0pf said: It will generate more controversy because twitter users will say that the girl is weak and abused by a dominant boy Do you have any record on it? since I don't think we have had an anime that caused such kind controversy. I think that the anime would probably have a rating of 6,5 to 7 and the director would flee to the woods after receiving all the life threats from Twitter. Well, I do not know much anime that caused such controversy. |
May 7, 2021 9:22 AM
Definitely more. Twitter’s dumbed-down-Frankfurt-school-knock-off philosophy is all about viewing things from the perspective of hierarchical social structures. So if the genders were swapped, it would be more controversial. Similarly if nagatoro was not just male, but also older it would be even more controversial. Add in nagatoro being rich and suddenly it’s not just bullying but patriarchal classism too. ....and naturally a big chunk of those same people would probably love it if executed right (female self-insert enough, the male nagatoro being very attractive, etc) because it would turn into a dominating guy playing hard to get while hiding his softer, vulnerable emotional side which truly cares for her which makes him obsess over her. Probably would end up as the romance of the century - 50 shades of gray meets pride and prejudice |
BfollsMay 7, 2021 1:50 PM
May 7, 2021 4:48 PM
Mirai said: Nah it will be same reaction anyway, hell I'll bet if that girl were a boy it might be generate more controversy. Let alone the romantic side (which doesn't seems romantic at all), this is just straight forward bullying.As the title says. There seems to be some hate and controversy directed towards Nagatoro-san, and I've been wondering if the genders of the main characters were switched would the community react differently? Would the warriors of Twitter be on a crusade against Japan or would they worship the ground Nagatoro-kun walks on? What do you think? Bonus question: If the genders were switched would you be more or less interested in watching the anime? |
May 7, 2021 4:49 PM
It would be far more controversial and there's no denying that. I don't even wanna imagine the toxicity it'll generate |
May 7, 2021 4:58 PM
Arcay said: Esp the ones who don't know where the "d" key is on a keyboard,I mean,come on,you used it once in the same bloody word :)D1enK0pf said: Exactly, Humans are fuckin retardetIt will generate more controversy because twitter users will say that the girl is weak and abused by a dominant boy Just joking :) |
May 8, 2021 12:35 AM
SmokeSanta said: The story wouldn't be made if it the genders were reversed. Considering how popular Diabolik Lovers is over in Japan I wouldn't be so sure. There definitely would be a market for it. |
May 8, 2021 4:20 AM
Piromysl said: "My Senpai Is Annoying" will be airing this fall. Just wait and see. They are nothing alike. Big guy senpai is never intentionally mean towards Futaba. Mirai said: SmokeSanta said: The story wouldn't be made if it the genders were reversed. Considering how popular Diabolik Lovers is over in Japan I wouldn't be so sure. There definitely would be a market for it. Pretty sure it's international thing considering how popular was that shitty Polish movie "365 Days". |
May 8, 2021 8:44 AM
bastek66 said: Piromysl said: "My Senpai Is Annoying" will be airing this fall. Just wait and see. They are nothing alike. Big guy senpai is never intentionally mean towards Futaba. You sure? I'm quite positive Futaba was quite vocal about her Tsunderish displeasure of his teasing. You literally have it in the title. Anyways, Servant X Service exists and Lucy DEFINETELY was annoyed with Hasebe's teasing. Of course, nothing was physical. That would be creepy. |
May 9, 2021 3:00 AM
Starhammer said: sry dude, wasn't sure how to write it again xDArcay said: Esp the ones who don't know where the "d" key is on a keyboard,I mean,come on,you used it once in the same bloody word :)D1enK0pf said: It will generate more controversy because twitter users will say that the girl is weak and abused by a dominant boy Just joking :) I'm german btw. |
May 9, 2021 7:01 AM
twitter. that's it. |
May 9, 2021 2:01 PM
Arcay said: No problem,dude,I laughed at your post originally,and thought it deserved a reply.Starhammer said: sry dude, wasn't sure how to write it again xDArcay said: D1enK0pf said: Exactly, Humans are fuckin retardetIt will generate more controversy because twitter users will say that the girl is weak and abused by a dominant boy Just joking :) I'm german btw. And weirdly enough,I thought you were german as soon as I read it :) Ain't got a clue why? Kein Problem, Alter, ich habe ursprünglich über Ihren Beitrag gelacht und dachte, er hätte eine Antwort verdient. Und seltsamerweise dachte ich, du wärst Deutscher, sobald ich es gelesen habe :) Hast du keine Ahnung warum? Btw,I'm english,so if any of that is wrong,please feel free to give me abuse :D Ok,I think that last bit might not be entirely correct "Hast du keine Ahnung warum?",but i hope you get what I meant from the original in english above it. Sry Dude,was just trying to help a little,but it might have got a bit lost in translation ;) |
StarhammerMay 9, 2021 5:11 PM
May 9, 2021 3:21 PM
I think it will be more controversial considering of how highly society values women. A lot of feminists will complain about it that's for sure. And regarding to the bonus question: it really depends because I also don't want to see a dude hitting his woman portrayed in a comedic way. If the premise was if the woman was actually romantically interested in the dude, for example something like Isaac and Miria from Baccano from start to finish then I would definitely be interested in it. Or if they actually cover topics like abusive relationships and female manipulation, and NOT romanticize it or portray it in a comedic way then I would be even more interested in it. But of course not a lot of men have the balls to write something about that. |
cupcake847May 10, 2021 9:58 AM
"Humans are like isolated islands, floating in the sea of fate. Human encounters are like the collision of these lonely islands, and once they touch, there would be an effect. Sometimes, the islands would stick together, in the name of ‘interest’, ‘kinship’, ‘friendship’, ‘love’ and ‘hate’. But eventually, they would separate, walking towards the path of destruction. This is the truth behind life." -Fang Yuan |
May 9, 2021 6:37 PM
I think if a guy was shouting 'virgin' to a girl and generally terrorising her, there would be more of an outctry. But there were some shows that went in that direction, albeit a bit gentler, The Wolf Girl and Black Prince was one, My love Monster was going that way in the beginning as well. Difference was that the girl wasn't as pathetic as Paisen is in this show. But, yes, this show would be more controversial if the roles were reversed and wouldn't be a comedy. |
May 9, 2021 9:23 PM
Starhammer said: Hahahah, uhm, I think maybe the way I express things is very german like xD.Arcay said: No problem,dude,I laughed at your post originally,and thought it deserved a reply.Starhammer said: Arcay said: Esp the ones who don't know where the "d" key is on a keyboard,I mean,come on,you used it once in the same bloody word :)D1enK0pf said: Exactly, Humans are fuckin retardetIt will generate more controversy because twitter users will say that the girl is weak and abused by a dominant boy Just joking :) I'm german btw. And weirdly enough,I thought you were german as soon as I read it :) Ain't got a clue why? Kein Problem, Alter, ich habe ursprünglich über Ihren Beitrag gelacht und dachte, er hätte eine Antwort verdient. Und seltsamerweise dachte ich, du wärst Deutscher, sobald ich es gelesen habe :) Hast du keine Ahnung warum? Btw,I'm english,so if any of that is wrong,please feel free to give me abuse :D Ok,I think that last bit might not be entirely correct "Hast du keine Ahnung warum?",but i hope you get what I meant from the original in english above it. Sry Dude,was just trying to help a little,but it might have got a bit lost in translation ;) Also, you wanted me to shit on the text you wrote, sooooo... Most of it is fine, but yes, the last part sounds kinda strange. The sentence itself isn't actually incorrect, but it just doesn't fit to your sentence right before at all. And the first sentence is god damn hillarious, cause you start of with dude (Alter) and then instead of a simple you (deinen/du) you just wrote "ihnen" which is super formal xDDD. Man I love google translate, it's sooooo shit xDDD |
May 10, 2021 10:32 AM
cupcake847 said: Arcay said: Chihiro444 said: Arcay said: i mean nagatoro is a weird show , i think it will be normal if it generate controversy, with both gender order, but yea ofc it might be more problematic if a girl get harassed by a boy because its something thay happent vers often and thats a harsh topic and it might be even more cringe than the original showD1enK0pf said: Exactly, Humans are fuckin retardetIt will generate more controversy because twitter users will say that the girl is weak and abused by a dominant boy Dunno how's in your country tho. But everything is bad of course. Noone should be harrassed. But what Nagatoro does feels super duper like normal talk between friends where you set certain lines you can't cross, like exactly what Nagatoro did that one time where her friends just insulted the shit outta him.And meant it. Ah, and sry for my long talk right here. If you have never seen or experienced it then you haven't been exposed to female nature yet. But don't worry it's only a matter of time until you do. I mean, I was bullied back then, but I was bullied by boys, so... yeahh Can't wait getting bullied by some random ass bitch for no reason(which will propably happen someday ) xD |
May 10, 2021 10:51 AM
Arcay said: cupcake847 said: Arcay said: Chihiro444 said: First, I wanna say that it's not really a weird show. She's just toying around with him a little bit. Where I come from, the stuff she says, is something we say to a very good friend. Except all the sexual things she says, that's actually a lil bit weird. And second, I think it's way mor usual that boys get harrassed by girls Like, way more common.Of course it's kinda normal that people trashtalk other people behind their backs. That's because humans are dumb. But I've never seen or wittnessed a boy getting harrassed by a girl. Usually it's either girls getting harrassed by other girls, or boy getting harrassed by girls or by everyone.Arcay said: i mean nagatoro is a weird show , i think it will be normal if it generate controversy, with both gender order, but yea ofc it might be more problematic if a girl get harassed by a boy because its something thay happent vers often and thats a harsh topic and it might be even more cringe than the original showD1enK0pf said: Exactly, Humans are fuckin retardetIt will generate more controversy because twitter users will say that the girl is weak and abused by a dominant boy Dunno how's in your country tho. But everything is bad of course. Noone should be harrassed. But what Nagatoro does feels super duper like normal talk between friends where you set certain lines you can't cross, like exactly what Nagatoro did that one time where her friends just insulted the shit outta him.And meant it. Ah, and sry for my long talk right here. If you have never seen or experienced it then you haven't been exposed to female nature yet. But don't worry it's only a matter of time until you do. I mean, I was bullied back then, but I was bullied by boys, so... yeahh Can't wait getting bullied by some random ass bitch for no reason(which will propably happen someday ) xD You say that now but trust me that it will feel a whole lot worse if you end up liking her romantically. That's like the worst and weakest thing a man can feel in a relationship. |
cupcake847May 10, 2021 10:55 AM
"Humans are like isolated islands, floating in the sea of fate. Human encounters are like the collision of these lonely islands, and once they touch, there would be an effect. Sometimes, the islands would stick together, in the name of ‘interest’, ‘kinship’, ‘friendship’, ‘love’ and ‘hate’. But eventually, they would separate, walking towards the path of destruction. This is the truth behind life." -Fang Yuan |
May 10, 2021 10:59 AM
cupcake847 said: Arcay said: cupcake847 said: Arcay said: Chihiro444 said: First, I wanna say that it's not really a weird show. She's just toying around with him a little bit. Where I come from, the stuff she says, is something we say to a very good friend. Except all the sexual things she says, that's actually a lil bit weird. And second, I think it's way mor usual that boys get harrassed by girls Like, way more common.Of course it's kinda normal that people trashtalk other people behind their backs. That's because humans are dumb. But I've never seen or wittnessed a boy getting harrassed by a girl. Usually it's either girls getting harrassed by other girls, or boy getting harrassed by girls or by everyone.Arcay said: i mean nagatoro is a weird show , i think it will be normal if it generate controversy, with both gender order, but yea ofc it might be more problematic if a girl get harassed by a boy because its something thay happent vers often and thats a harsh topic and it might be even more cringe than the original showD1enK0pf said: Exactly, Humans are fuckin retardetIt will generate more controversy because twitter users will say that the girl is weak and abused by a dominant boy Dunno how's in your country tho. But everything is bad of course. Noone should be harrassed. But what Nagatoro does feels super duper like normal talk between friends where you set certain lines you can't cross, like exactly what Nagatoro did that one time where her friends just insulted the shit outta him.And meant it. Ah, and sry for my long talk right here. If you have never seen or experienced it then you haven't been exposed to female nature yet. But don't worry it's only a matter of time until you do. I mean, I was bullied back then, but I was bullied by boys, so... yeahh Can't wait getting bullied by some random ass bitch for no reason(which will propably happen someday ) xD You say that now but trust me that it will feel a whole lot worse if you end up liking her romantically. That's like the worst and weakest thing a man can feel in a relationship. I'd be already happy, if I was able to be in love the first time in my life. Seriously, it's just way too difficult to be really attracted by someone. I'm 15, and wasn't ever in love yet, dunno how it even feels, so as long as I'm getting to experience love for someone, I'll be fine, even if that person hates me, I'll just have to deal with it then, main thing is, that I'll fall in love just for once. Like, I really, really wish to. |
May 10, 2021 11:06 AM
Arcay said: cupcake847 said: Arcay said: cupcake847 said: Arcay said: Chihiro444 said: First, I wanna say that it's not really a weird show. She's just toying around with him a little bit. Where I come from, the stuff she says, is something we say to a very good friend. Except all the sexual things she says, that's actually a lil bit weird. And second, I think it's way mor usual that boys get harrassed by girls Like, way more common.Of course it's kinda normal that people trashtalk other people behind their backs. That's because humans are dumb. But I've never seen or wittnessed a boy getting harrassed by a girl. Usually it's either girls getting harrassed by other girls, or boy getting harrassed by girls or by everyone.Arcay said: i mean nagatoro is a weird show , i think it will be normal if it generate controversy, with both gender order, but yea ofc it might be more problematic if a girl get harassed by a boy because its something thay happent vers often and thats a harsh topic and it might be even more cringe than the original showD1enK0pf said: Exactly, Humans are fuckin retardetIt will generate more controversy because twitter users will say that the girl is weak and abused by a dominant boy Dunno how's in your country tho. But everything is bad of course. Noone should be harrassed. But what Nagatoro does feels super duper like normal talk between friends where you set certain lines you can't cross, like exactly what Nagatoro did that one time where her friends just insulted the shit outta him.And meant it. Ah, and sry for my long talk right here. If you have never seen or experienced it then you haven't been exposed to female nature yet. But don't worry it's only a matter of time until you do. I mean, I was bullied back then, but I was bullied by boys, so... yeahh Can't wait getting bullied by some random ass bitch for no reason(which will propably happen someday ) xD You say that now but trust me that it will feel a whole lot worse if you end up liking her romantically. That's like the worst and weakest thing a man can feel in a relationship. I'd be already happy, if I was able to be in love the first time in my life. Seriously, it's just way too difficult to be really attracted by someone. I'm 15, and wasn't ever in love yet, dunno how it even feels, so as long as I'm getting to experience love for someone, I'll be fine, even if that person hates me, I'll just have to deal with it then, main thing is, that I'll fall in love just for once. Like, I really, really wish to. Well, knock yourself out bro. But just remember what I said about how being submissive to a girl is the worst possible position a man can be in a relationship. |
"Humans are like isolated islands, floating in the sea of fate. Human encounters are like the collision of these lonely islands, and once they touch, there would be an effect. Sometimes, the islands would stick together, in the name of ‘interest’, ‘kinship’, ‘friendship’, ‘love’ and ‘hate’. But eventually, they would separate, walking towards the path of destruction. This is the truth behind life." -Fang Yuan |
May 10, 2021 11:08 AM
cupcake847 said: Arcay said: cupcake847 said: Arcay said: cupcake847 said: Arcay said: Chihiro444 said: First, I wanna say that it's not really a weird show. She's just toying around with him a little bit. Where I come from, the stuff she says, is something we say to a very good friend. Except all the sexual things she says, that's actually a lil bit weird. And second, I think it's way mor usual that boys get harrassed by girls Like, way more common.Of course it's kinda normal that people trashtalk other people behind their backs. That's because humans are dumb. But I've never seen or wittnessed a boy getting harrassed by a girl. Usually it's either girls getting harrassed by other girls, or boy getting harrassed by girls or by everyone.Arcay said: i mean nagatoro is a weird show , i think it will be normal if it generate controversy, with both gender order, but yea ofc it might be more problematic if a girl get harassed by a boy because its something thay happent vers often and thats a harsh topic and it might be even more cringe than the original showD1enK0pf said: Exactly, Humans are fuckin retardetIt will generate more controversy because twitter users will say that the girl is weak and abused by a dominant boy Dunno how's in your country tho. But everything is bad of course. Noone should be harrassed. But what Nagatoro does feels super duper like normal talk between friends where you set certain lines you can't cross, like exactly what Nagatoro did that one time where her friends just insulted the shit outta him.And meant it. Ah, and sry for my long talk right here. If you have never seen or experienced it then you haven't been exposed to female nature yet. But don't worry it's only a matter of time until you do. I mean, I was bullied back then, but I was bullied by boys, so... yeahh Can't wait getting bullied by some random ass bitch for no reason(which will propably happen someday ) xD You say that now but trust me that it will feel a whole lot worse if you end up liking her romantically. That's like the worst and weakest thing a man can feel in a relationship. I'd be already happy, if I was able to be in love the first time in my life. Seriously, it's just way too difficult to be really attracted by someone. I'm 15, and wasn't ever in love yet, dunno how it even feels, so as long as I'm getting to experience love for someone, I'll be fine, even if that person hates me, I'll just have to deal with it then, main thing is, that I'll fall in love just for once. Like, I really, really wish to. Well, knock yourself out bro. But just remember what I said about how being submissive to a girl is the worst possible position a man can be in a relationship. cupcake847 said: k, thx,I'll watch out thenArcay said: cupcake847 said: Arcay said: cupcake847 said: Arcay said: Chihiro444 said: First, I wanna say that it's not really a weird show. She's just toying around with him a little bit. Where I come from, the stuff she says, is something we say to a very good friend. Except all the sexual things she says, that's actually a lil bit weird. And second, I think it's way mor usual that boys get harrassed by girls Like, way more common.Of course it's kinda normal that people trashtalk other people behind their backs. That's because humans are dumb. But I've never seen or wittnessed a boy getting harrassed by a girl. Usually it's either girls getting harrassed by other girls, or boy getting harrassed by girls or by everyone.Arcay said: i mean nagatoro is a weird show , i think it will be normal if it generate controversy, with both gender order, but yea ofc it might be more problematic if a girl get harassed by a boy because its something thay happent vers often and thats a harsh topic and it might be even more cringe than the original showD1enK0pf said: Exactly, Humans are fuckin retardetIt will generate more controversy because twitter users will say that the girl is weak and abused by a dominant boy Dunno how's in your country tho. But everything is bad of course. Noone should be harrassed. But what Nagatoro does feels super duper like normal talk between friends where you set certain lines you can't cross, like exactly what Nagatoro did that one time where her friends just insulted the shit outta him.And meant it. Ah, and sry for my long talk right here. If you have never seen or experienced it then you haven't been exposed to female nature yet. But don't worry it's only a matter of time until you do. I mean, I was bullied back then, but I was bullied by boys, so... yeahh Can't wait getting bullied by some random ass bitch for no reason(which will propably happen someday ) xD You say that now but trust me that it will feel a whole lot worse if you end up liking her romantically. That's like the worst and weakest thing a man can feel in a relationship. I'd be already happy, if I was able to be in love the first time in my life. Seriously, it's just way too difficult to be really attracted by someone. I'm 15, and wasn't ever in love yet, dunno how it even feels, so as long as I'm getting to experience love for someone, I'll be fine, even if that person hates me, I'll just have to deal with it then, main thing is, that I'll fall in love just for once. Like, I really, really wish to. Well, knock yourself out. But just remember what I said about how being submissive to a girl is the worst possible position a man can be in. |
May 10, 2021 3:18 PM
Arcay said: I know,sorry bout that,couldn't resist trying it out though :)Starhammer said: Hahahah, uhm, I think maybe the way I express things is very german like xD.Arcay said: Starhammer said: sry dude, wasn't sure how to write it again xDArcay said: Esp the ones who don't know where the "d" key is on a keyboard,I mean,come on,you used it once in the same bloody word :)D1enK0pf said: Exactly, Humans are fuckin retardetIt will generate more controversy because twitter users will say that the girl is weak and abused by a dominant boy Just joking :) I'm german btw. And weirdly enough,I thought you were german as soon as I read it :) Ain't got a clue why? Kein Problem, Alter, ich habe ursprünglich über Ihren Beitrag gelacht und dachte, er hätte eine Antwort verdient. Und seltsamerweise dachte ich, du wärst Deutscher, sobald ich es gelesen habe :) Hast du keine Ahnung warum? Btw,I'm english,so if any of that is wrong,please feel free to give me abuse :D Ok,I think that last bit might not be entirely correct "Hast du keine Ahnung warum?",but i hope you get what I meant from the original in english above it. Sry Dude,was just trying to help a little,but it might have got a bit lost in translation ;) Also, you wanted me to shit on the text you wrote, sooooo... Most of it is fine, but yes, the last part sounds kinda strange. The sentence itself isn't actually incorrect, but it just doesn't fit to your sentence right before at all. And the first sentence is god damn hillarious, cause you start of with dude (Alter) and then instead of a simple you (deinen/du) you just wrote "ihnen" which is super formal xDDD. Man I love google translate, it's sooooo shit xDDD Maybe I guessed you were german as I spent 7 years over there at a couple of places in the army years ago.Loved the people but most of all loved the country,esp fairs,Schutzenfest and Beer,lots of Beer :D Oh,and Bratwurst,LOVE Bratwurst :) |
May 11, 2021 6:04 AM
Crunchy roll definitely wouldn't pick it up, I can tell you that. The blow back would be huge (comparatively). You only have to look at the responses to things like magus bride, aho girl and most ecchi anime to see people making mountains out of mole hills. For the record I don't like this anime and I wouldn't like it if the genders were swapped either. |
May 12, 2021 1:13 AM
Mirai said: Considering how popular Diabolik Lovers is over in Japan I wouldn't be so sure. There definitely would be a market for it. Pretty sure Diabolic lover is one of the most controversial show out there. There are plenty of people who criticizes the show's blatant sexual harassment and justifiably so. OP: If the genders were reversed pretty sure it would be a shoujo and would generate just as much controversy. It's just that shounens get more exposition in the community compared to shoujos, because shounen is a much more popular genre/demographic in anime than shoujo in the anime industry. |
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